
What is Compjacking?

Occasionally people - individuals and sometimes companies - will repost the details of a competition (usually on Twitter) with the suggestion that they are running the competition themselves - with a link to the actual (genuine). This is done to generate Follows & Retweets (or other social interactions) by unsuspecting users.

For example:

#Follow and #Retweet #Competition to win £500 to spend at CompanyABC !

Why are these disallowed?

In some instances there is an affiliation between the post/tweet and the company running the actual competition - in this case, it's not "compjacking" but is usually to intice people to enter the competition they are helping promote. However, this is an impediment to entering the competition (as it's not a mandatory part of entry) and - if the affiliated company wanted the benefit to also pass to the company that has posted the tweet, they can include the company handle within their tweet/post.

In other instances, the person/company making the tweet has no connection to the official competition - this is blatant "compjacking" and is designed to trick users into "entering" the competition by following & retweeting (or otherwise engaging) with the illegitimate person/company.

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