Rules & Tips

Rule 1 - Have fun!

Most importantly this site is designed for people to enjoy - and most of the rules below are to help that or keep people safer!

Below is a short list of must-follow rules. If you break them you may go to jail. Most likely, we'll just ask nicely for you to not do them again!

Many of these rules can be easily broken by accident - this isn't a problem! But the rules are to explain why we may not allow something!

Chat and interaction

  • Respect others at all times
  • Assume 18+ on all content
  • Try to refrain from causing offense where possible
  • Block users if they upset you - report them to an Admin if you feel this is necessary
  • We try to filter links that are posted on the chat facility but in some cases may be unable to do so. If a link looks suspicious in any way please do not click it and report the user to us!
  • We advise against using your full name on Competition Database but do not prohibit it at all

Prohibited Competitions & Links

For the safety and enjoyment of other users, the following are prohibited:

  • Voting competitions of any kind as these are subject to abuse and fraud (including "most likes" and creatively judged competitions)
  • Referral links whereby the poster gets additional entries or other benefits for each subsequent entry
  • Links to non-competition websites
  • Sites that require downloads or extensive personal information to be entered - such as surveys
  • Competitions that require a significant investment in exchange for an entry (for example, being made to take out a free trial of a product or register your interest in something that you otherwise would not)
  • Links to sites / competitions that contain - or could contain - malware/viruses
  • Links to sites / competitions that are designed to steal user data or otherwise cause harm or other negative effects to users

Need more than that?!

Then we suggest you read our terms and conditions - because everyone loves reading those!

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Registered member benefits

Registration is free and very simple!

You will then be able to:

  • Track which competitions you've entered
  • Remove competitions from your list to see clearly what's remaining
  • Get notified when winners are announced
  • Use the chat & social facilities
  • Tell us about new competitions



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